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Validating problem
Validating problem
Hi, I just tried to use the demo/developer account for my production web application. The tool "VoiceXML Validator" doesn't like my working URL and doesn't provide any detailed error log. How can I proceed from this point? Thanks.
Re: Validating problem
Could you send us a small snippet of the IVR code that you are trying to validate with the VoiceXML Validator? This would help us better in troubleshooting your issue.
Plum Support
Could you send us a small snippet of the IVR code that you are trying to validate with the VoiceXML Validator? This would help us better in troubleshooting your issue.
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Validating problem
Also, please keep in mind that the URL that you are trying to validate with the VoiceXML Validator must return valid VXML (for example, if you open up a page such as http://www.example.com/somesample.htm in a web browser and hit Ctrl+U with your keyboard to view the source code, if the code was in between <html> and </html> tags (indicating this is HTML code), then that would be invalid VoiceXML being returned back).
This page may further help in troubleshooting your issue: http://www.plumvoice.com/docs/dev/plumd ... :debugging
Plum Support
This page may further help in troubleshooting your issue: http://www.plumvoice.com/docs/dev/plumd ... :debugging
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Validating problem
Thanks for your suggestion. I may figure out what's wrong. My program will detect which client platform is based on incoming user-Agent parameters. When it cannot recognize it, it will return default html page. I may need to fix my program first.