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Change in SOAP question type's preferred WSDL spec - IVR Sur

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:34 pm
by support
The SOAP Webservice question type for IVR allows you to specify a WSDL for an IVR webservice with one function that will be called at the end of the page with all the questions and answer data. Previously we had asked our users to name this one function "evaluate".

The name of the function that we would prefer our users to have in their WSDL has changed. The reason we are making this change is that in some languages/architectures (e.g., ColdFusion) the word "evaluate" is reserved for the language, making it difficult for people using these architectures to create a method for an IVR webservice with this name. The new name of the function in your WSDL should be "plumEval". This is reflected in the newly released documentation and info text on the IVR Survey site, and is also edited into the post above.

However, we are not forcing this change on you immediately; if you already have one properly-typed function in your WSDL called "evaluate" our SOAP client will adjust accordingly and it should still work without any changes.