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phone transfer

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:31 pm
I'm trying to use the phone transfer question, and to test it, I entered my cell number. However, it doesn't seem to be calling it. It rings on the line, but then my cell doesn't ring. Can you help?

Also, we still have a demo account, but once our full account is granted and we have multiple numbers to assign to all our surveys, will I be able to use the phone transfer to transfer from one survey to another? Specifically, I want to use one survey as a filter, and then depending on how clients answer that survey, direct them to our other surveys.


transfers from one IVR survey to the other on local calls

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:00 pm
by support
We had disabled long-distance calling for some of our demo accounts; this has now been reactivated. Please try using the transfer to your cell phone again and seeing if it works. Also note that demo accounts have stringent limits on IVR outbound and IVR transfer minutes.

If both IVR surveys are on local numbers, you should be able to transfer from one to the other, although with a paid account you will be billed for the minutes involved in this transfer. A more cost-effective way would be to insert the content from your second IVR survey into the first and use skip logic to direct people to different pages of the IVR survey, although what you describe is possible.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:45 pm
One other thing: our payment has gone through so we no longer have a demo accnt.

How do I get more numbers to assign to my surveys? There is still only one listed as available.

Also, is it possible to get a 1-800 for one survey?

contact IVR sales rep for specific questions

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:00 pm
by support

Please contact your IVR sales representative regarding these IVR questions as they would be better suited to answer them.

Plum Support