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how do I catch errors that occur a certain number of times?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 2:47 pm
by ban
I am trying to reprompt the user when they enter the first 2 invalid numbers, after the 3rd invalid number, I use <submit> to go to a 'goodbye' script. If the number is valid, the rest of the script is executed.

However, I cannot get the script to quit after 3 invalid numbers.
It quits after 3 nomatch or noinput fine. It also works fine if you enter a valid number.

What is wrong here?

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vxml PUBLIC "-//The Plum Group//Voice Markup Language 2.0//EN" "">
<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="">
  <form id="id" scope="dialog">
    <field name="fieldPin" type="digits">
      <catch event="invalid" count="1">
      <catch event="invalid nomatch noinput" count="3">
        <prompt bargein="false">
          <audio src="/vxml/audio/dummy.wav">
            The application only permits 3 invalid PIN attempts.  
            Please call 800-555-1212 to make sure you have a valid  
            PIN number.
        <var name="msgReference" expr="'3_101730'" />
        <submit next="http://website/vxml/goodbye.xml" 
                    namelist=" msgReference" 
                    enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
      <prompt bargein="true">
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/dummy.wav">
          Please enter your pin number.</audio>
        <if cond="fieldPin!=1234">
          The value<value expr="fieldPin" /> is not valid
          <clear namelist="fieldPin"/>
          <throw event="invalid"/>
    <field name="field90" type="number">
      <prompt bargein="true">
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/dummy.wav">
          What is your weight in pounds?
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/sorry.wav">
          Sorry I didn't understand
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/useKeyboard.wav">
          You can also enter the value using the keypad.
        <reprompt />
    <field name="confirm90">
      <grammar type="application/x-jsgf">(yes|1) {yes} | (no | 2) {no}</grammar>
      <prompt bargein="false">
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/dummy.wav">
          You entered <value expr="field90" /> 
        <audio src="/vxml/audio/isCorrect.wav">
          Is this correct?
        <if cond="confirm90=='no'">
          <clear namelist="field90 confirm90" />
          <goto nextitem="field90" />
    <var name="msgReference" expr="'3_101730'" />
      <submit next="http://website/receive"   
                    namelist="field90"confirm90  msgReference" 

IVR script error clears out the count field

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:49 am
by support
I haven't actually tried this IVR script, but it looks like <clear namelist="fieldPin"/> is probably clearing out the count field too, such that its always being set to 1, and therefore never increments the count to 3. Try maintaining the count in a separate <var>, and increment the count manually. Then check to see if the var you are incrementing == 3, if so <submit> to the goodbye script.

If this doesnt work let me know and we'll take another pass at it. :)
hope this helps!

Plum Support