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Problems with audio recording repository API

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:24 am
by sheadley
Hello all,
I have gone through the manual on how to save audio files via vxml. The manual provides the following example application which is incorrect.

Code: Select all

 <vxml version="2.0">
    <var name="pin" value="'12345678'"/>
        <record name="recording" beep="true" type="audio/basic">
            <prompt bargein="false">
                Please record your message after the beep.
            <catch event="nomatch noinput"/>

        <!-- The subdialog takes a namelist "pin recording" -->
        <!-- and returns success(bool), fileid, and fileurl -->
        <subdialog next=""
          namelist="pin recording" method="post">
                <if cond="success">
                        File uploaded successfully.
                        The file ID is <value expr="fileid"/>.
                        Your message was <audio srcexpr="fileurl"/>.
                        File upload failed.
I subsequently did research and changed the preceeding vxml script to this:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
    <var name="pin" expr="'12345678'"/>
        <record name="recording" beep="true" type="audio/basic">
            <prompt bargein="false">
                Please record your message after the beep.
            <catch event="nomatch noinput">

        <!-- The subdialog takes a namelist "pin recording" -->
        <!-- and returns success(bool), fileid, and fileurl -->
        <subdialog name="oResult" src="" namelist="pin recording" method="post">
                <if cond="oResult.success">
                        File uploaded successfully.
                        The file ID is <value expr="oResult.fileid"/>.
                        Your message was <audio expr="oResult.fileurl"/>.
                        File upload failed.
but this also dosen't work. The error message that I receive back from the system is as follows:

error no_ani 2 [11/Aug/2004:11:13:28 -0400] 3845 000000;002;1092237172 errmsg ReferenceError: status is not defined line 1 linetxt tokentxt

This is not very discriptive. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Steve H.

IVR code that works for audio repository feature

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:20 am
by support

There were several mistakes in the IVR audio repository developers guide (note the difference with the <if> tag). They have not been corrected yet, but here is the updated IVR code that does work (I verified it myself)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
    <var name="pin" expr="'12345678'"/>
        <record name="recording" beep="true" type="audio/basic">
            <prompt bargein="false">
                Please record your message after the beep.
            <catch event="nomatch noinput">

        <!-- The subdialog takes a namelist "pin recording" -->
        <!-- and returns success(bool), fileid, and fileurl -->
        <subdialog name="test" src=""
          namelist="pin recording" method="post">
                <if cond="test.success">
                        File uploaded successfully.
                        The file ID is <value expr="test.fileid"/>.
                        Your message was <audio expr="test.fileurl"/>.
                        File upload failed.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention! The IVR audio repository is a new feature for our developers, so thanks for helping us fix some preliminary mistakes.

hope this helps!

Plum Support Team

developers guide for IVR outbound has been updated

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:12 am
by support

The developers guide for IVR outbound has been updated to incorporate the mistakes you found... thanks again! :)


Plum Support