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trying to post via the <data> tag...

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:14 pm
by robbiesullivan
I'm trying to post to a webservice via the <data> tag. I've verified I can actually post via HTTP using the webservice.

my syntax is as follows:
<data name="myWS" method="post" srcexpr="" namelist="theID"/>

I receive the following error back in my call log:

errmsg syntax error line 1 linetxt
tokentxt D

Any ideas?
theID would be name of a local varaible in the vxml. Any assistance would be appriciated.

use src attribute to give IVR platform a string to POST to

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:29 pm
by support

The attribute should be using is src, not srcexpr. The srcexpr attribute is attempting to evaluate the "variable" named "". The IVR error you are seeing is stating that that is not an expected ecmascript variable. This IVR attribute is used when you need to dynamically create the URL you are submitting to within your VoiceXML. If you already know the URL when you are creating the document you should just use the src attribute to give the IVR platform a string to POST to. Hope this helps.

Plum Support

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:34 pm
by robbiesullivan
that worked.
