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Callout takes almost 5 minutes to execute

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:57 pm
by SGTAdmin
Hi All,

We are trying to build an application that needs callout feature and are currently using a test login for this. The issue we are facing is, it takes more than 5 minutes for Plum to make an outbound call after we send the request. This is prohibitive for our application. Is this happening because we are using test account?

Below document describes the lifecycle and times:

The lifecycle is:

1. We send HTTP POST to plum with several params:

16:51:53.372 [RMI TCP Connection(2)-] INFO c.t.m.service.DefaultCalloutService 163 - /makeCall sending request with params: {login=[], pin=[xxxx], phone_number=[tel:+123123123123;ani=123123123123], start_url=[http://xx.xx.xxxx.250:8080/rest/callout/start], result_url=[], message_reference=[-661498084], call_parameters=[2]}

2. Plum checks our /start and /result servlets whether url returns HTTP OK:
16:51:54.325 [http-bio-8080-exec-1] INFO c.t.m.service.DefaultCalloutService 238 - Plumvoice requested /start with params: {}
16:51:54.872 [http-bio-8080-exec-2] INFO c.t.m.service.DefaultCalloutService 270 - Plumvoice requested /result with params: {}

3. Plum requests our VXML scripts from /start url

16:52:30.981 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] INFO c.t.m.service.DefaultCalloutService 238 - Plumvoice requested /start with params: {call_parameters=2, message_reference=-661498084, phone_number=tel:+ 123123123123;ani=123123123123, call_id=34926719, callee_type=voice, campaign_parameters=}

4. Plum should send HTTP request to our /result url with callee_type, message_reference and so on, but it don’t do it even 5 minutes after we receive response for our POST from item #1.

16:56:55.196 [RMI TCP Connection(2)-] ERROR c.t.m.service.DefaultCalloutService 198 - Error handling request to /makeCall for phone_number=+123123123123callee_type was not received for phone_number=+123123123123, message_reference=-661498084 for 300000 ms

If take a look at the plum page it shows call with message_reference=-661498084 as completed with callee type “voice”. ... n_id=29881
And actually, the call performed successfully.

Re: Callout takes almost 5 minutes to execute

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:16 am
by support

The issue you described should be resolved at this time. There was an issue earlier this week that impacted a small subset of users where callback URLs were not being executed in certain cases. Our team was made aware of this and resolved the issue a few hours after your comment was posted. Please let us know if you experience any further issues in your testing.

Plum Support

Re: Callout takes almost 5 minutes to execute

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:46 pm
by SGTAdmin

It seems to be working now.
