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High sensitivity

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:22 am
by A.K.
Hi There,

We already have the sensitivity quite low on our side, but the system is still getting interrupted by normal noises like, door close, cough or sometimes even breathe. Is there any way to make it so it will detect only the inputs that are given in grammar and nothing else?


Re: High sensitivity

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:24 am
by support

Unfortunately, there is no way to configure the VXML application to only detect inputs in a grammar without interrupting the application.

Since you have already tried adjusting the sensitivity, our next suggestion is to turn off bargein for your application, meaning that callers will have to listen to the entire prompt before being able to input any speech. You can find documentation on the bargein property here.

Lastly, background noises such as closing doors, like you mentioned, if loud enough, will be picked up and cause a nomatch. This is expected behavior and we can only suggest you test in environments were background noises are minimal.

Plum Support

Re: High sensitivity

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:50 am
by A.K.
I have already set the bargein property to false.

We can test in the environment with minimal noise, but we can not make sure that the users of our service will have a quite background. They can be calling while driving a car or from a restaurant. How can we overcome the noise issue once we go live?

Re: High sensitivity

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:54 am
by support

As we mentioned, background noises will be picked up and cause a no match if they are loud enough. This is expected behavior.

If you anticipate that most of your callers will be calling in from noisy environments, we suggest that you refactor your application into a DTMF only app. Another idea would be to use the <nomatch> tags to handle mismatches more "gracefully". Otherwise, the only other options would be to adjust bargein and sensitivity as best as possible, as you've already tried.

Plum Support