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Sorry I did not hear you

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:19 pm
by jbrohan
My application is to make recordings of some non-speech sounds. ( I've set the final silence to 100s because the sounds I'm recording do not register as 'non-silence'.
<record name="myrecording" beep="true" maxtime="160s" finalsilence="100s" dtmfterm="true">
<prompt bargein="false">.

It seems to me that two calls get launched sometimes and one interferes with the other?

Or has there been a software change lately, it's been working nicely for a few days, now I'm getting it on 2 phone numbers. I don't recall this message before, it would just hangup.

Can I trap and ignore this event? (sample code appreciated as always)

IVR issue for "noinput" events needs clarification

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:07 pm
by support

It is not exactly clear what you are asking for. The "Sorry I did not hear you" message occurs when there is a "noinput" event. However, from what you are describing, I'm not sure how you are getting this message. Please clarify your IVR issue.

Plum Support

Sorry I did not hear you

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:24 pm
by jbrohan
Question1 Two calls started nearly simultaneously.

I operate the phone normally, but it seems that sometimes ( one time in 20+-) two calls to PlumHosting get started a few seconds apart. Maybe this is just my phone.

Question 2 "Sorry I did not hear you" I've not been getting this message and now I am. What is the cause of it? I'm concerned because the sounds I'm recording are not voices, and while it records them nicely, the finalsilence has to be large to allow the user to end the call with a keypress. It's my impression that last week it ended in a hangup rather than a noinput if the finalsilence was too short. I've not had the Sorry I did not hear you before.
-What exactly triggers this noinput event?
-Does noinput event depend on finalsilence or on some other parameter?
-Can I trap it and bypass it? (I'd appreciate some code examples).
Thanks John

In IVR code set high sensitivity to avoid noinput message

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:58 pm
by support

To answer question 1, this is possibly a problem on your end as our IVR system only registers IVR calls that are sent to us.

To answer question 2, you should set a high sensitivity to avoid getting this noinput message. To do this, you would type:

Code: Select all

<property name="sensitivity" value="0.8"/>
If you are still getting the noinput message, you can try setting the sensitivity value to 1.0. Hope this helps.

Plum Support