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Deploying same Plum application to 2 different phone numbers

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:55 am
by Strats
Hi Support,

We have designed a Plum application, which we want to deploy to 2 different phone numbers. Is it Possible??
If yes, will both the phone numbers calling the same Plum application, be active at the same time??
Also if yes, inside the Plum application can we know from which phone number was the Plum application called so that accordingly we could design our logic??


Re: Deploying same Plum application to 2 different phone num

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:39 am
by support

Yes, it is possible to assign more than one phone number to the same Fuse+ application. To do that, go to the Deployments page and click "Add Deployment". A pop up will appear. From the drop down menu "Select Application," choose the name of the application you wish to deploy. For "Select Revision," choose the revision version of the application you wish to deploy. Below that should be a list of phone numbers, and you can check off the multiple numbers you wish to use to deploy that application. Click Deploy. You should now see a new line in your Deployments page of the app you just deployed along with all the check off numbers you selected.

As for your other question, that is also a yes -- it is possible to tailor the behavior of the app depending on what phone number was dialed. You can make use of the variable "session.connection.dnis" to get access to the phone number that was dialed. You can then use the "Compare Variable" or "Evaluate JS" modules to trigger different behaviors within your application.

Plum Support

Re: Deploying same Plum application to 2 different phone num

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:02 am
by Strats
Thanks for the reply.

In a Plum application where same workflow is used to respond to multiple phone numbers, can we play back different voice files, based on phone number the user called? If yes, how?


Re: Deploying same Plum application to 2 different phone num

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:19 am
by support

Unfortunately, Fuse+ does not support templating where you can play distinct prompts on a per phone number basis while the rest of the application remains untouched. There are two options given the current Fuse+ functionality.

First, you can modularize your application. Making use of the Goto App module you can build the majority of your application as one or more reusable applications. You would then create one application per phone number that contains the portion of the application that requires customized prompts and uses Goto App to jump to the reusable application(s). When a new customer comes on you can clone an existing customer application and alter only the prompts that need to be changed. This does create one application per phone number but it minimizes the amount of maintenance.

Second, you can split out each module that requires a custom prompt into duplicate modules each of which has the custom text and uploaded audio. You would need to use a Compare Variable module to determine which call path to take based on the phone number. The downside to this approach is that you have to be careful making sure the module settings are identical for each duplicated module. Additionally, every time you add a new customer, you have go in and edit the application in a non-trivial way which creates maintenance headaches. This approach is fine if you have a known fixed set of customers or complex prompt customization that is required throughout your application.

Plum Support