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Uncaught event: error.badfetch.http.500 on REST module

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:00 am
by JeffH
We have a Fuse+ application that we've deployed to multiple numbers.

We have one deployment for our "production" numbers (which are all in a PCI environment).

We have another deployment for our "test" numbers (which are not in a PCI environment).

The application (and REST modules) in our "production" deployment all work just fine.

However, when a REST module calls out from one of our "test" numbers, we immediately get the error:

Uncaught event: error.badfetch.http.500

We've verified that the calls are not reaching our web-service, so the 500 error is not coming from our service.

Any tips on how to debug?

Re: Uncaught event: error.badfetch.http.500 on REST module

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:31 pm
by support

In order to find more about what is going on when an error occurs for a REST module, we recommend utilizing shadow variables. Please refer to this documentation: In short, adding a ‘$’ symbol to the end of a variable, and in this case, name$.error would be most beneficial.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Plum Support