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Does the Plum Voice Platform support mixed initiative?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:16 pm
by support
The Plum Voice Platform currently does not support mixed initiative (as of release 2.4.1). However, that feature is expected to be implemented for the 2.4.2 release.


Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:55 pm
by support
Plum does support limited mixed initiative grammars now. Here is a working example, using a jsgf grammar:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">

<form id="initial_name">
<grammar type="application/x-jsgf">
     ((New York) [New York]){from_city=New York, NY} |
      (Syracuse [New York]){from_city=Syracuse, NY} |
      (Orlando [Florida]){from_city=Orlando, FL'}   |
      ((Los Angeles [California]) | ELLAY){from_city=Los Angeles, CA} |
      (San Francisco [California]{from_city=San Francisco, CA} |
      (Denver [Colorado]){from_city=Denver, CO} |
      (Seattle [Washington]){from_city=Seattle, WA} |
      (Dallas [Texas]){from_city=Dallas, TX'} |
      (Houston [Texas]){from_city=Houston, TX})
<initial name="init">
     Welcome to the Driving Directions By Phone.
     Where do you want to drive from and to?
   <nomatch count="1">
      Please say something like "from Denver Colorado to Orlando Florida".
   <nomatch count="2">
     I'm sorry, I still don't understand.
     I'll ask you for information one piece at a time.
     <assign name="init" expr="true"/>

<field name="from_city">
   <grammar type="application/x-jsgf">
     ((New York) [New York]){from_city=New York, NY} |
      (Syracuse [New York]){from_city=Syracuse, NY} |
      (Orlando [Florida]){from_city=Orlando, FL'}   |
      ((Los Angeles [California]) | ELLAY){from_city=Los Angeles, CA} |
      (San Francisco [California]{from_city=San Francisco, CA} |
      (Denver [Colorado]){from_city=Denver, CO} |
      (Seattle [Washington]){from_city=Seattle, WA} |
      (Dallas [Texas]){from_city=Dallas, TX'} |
      (Houston [Texas]){from_city=Houston, TX})
   <prompt>From which city are you leaving?</prompt>

<field name="to_city">
   <grammar type="application/x-jsgf">
     (((New York)|(Syracuse)) [New York]){to_city=New York, NY} |
      (Orlando [Florida]){to_city=Orlando, FL'}   |
      (Syracuse [New York]){to_city=Syracuse, NY} |
      ((Los Angeles [California]) | ELLAY){to_city=Los Angeles, CA} |
      (San Francisco [California]{to_city=San Francisco, CA} |
      (Denver [Colorado]){to_city=Denver, CO} |
      (Seattle [Washington]){to_city=Seattle, WA} |
      (Dallas [Texas]){to_city=Dallas, TX'} |
      (Houston [Texas]){to_city=Houston, TX})
   <prompt>Which city are you going to?</prompt>

   <prompt bargein="false">
     I think you said. From <value expr="from_city"/> to <value

