Here is an example of an SRGS format grammar. Note the tag variable name must be the same as the field's name, "check_hotel_name". Also note you can have multiple items match to the same tag.
Code: Select all
<field name="check_hotel_name">
<grammar type="application/srgs+xml" mode="voice" root="hotels">
<rule id="hotels">
<item>Ritz Carlton<tag>check_hotel_name="Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles"</tag></item>
<item>Rich Carlton<tag>check_hotel_name="Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles"</tag></item>
<item>The Rich Carton Hotel<tag>check_hotel_name="Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles"</tag></item>
<item>Riviera<tag>check_hotel_name="Riviera Hotel Las Vegas"</tag></item>
<prompt bargein="false">
<audio src="">
Thank you for calling Technical Support. This is Kendra. Can I have the name of the hotel you are staying at?
<assign name="hotel" expr="check_hotel_name"/>
Plum Support