We see the following in the logs:
dtmf input: 1
Found grammar match
hypothesis #0: 1 (0.9990)
VXI::var_element(name="callID" expr = "'00000430'")
VXI::var_element(name="nextDialogID" expr = "'VTDC_DEVICE_SEL'")
bargein set to true
Cache Hit:
Stream from /VTDE/silence.wav has been started
Playing filler!
Queued prompts dispatched to PVXdxi engine to be played as filler
Fetching Document: /VTDE/call.aspx
Posted form data is URL encoded
Attempting to fetch
Click here to view saved VoiceXML script
Loading Builtin grammar: builtin:grammar/digits
Loading Builtin grammar: builtin:dtmf/digits
Entering form = '$_internalName_295416' form item = 'DTMFUID'
bargein set to true
Cache Hit: ... ER_UID.wav
Audio segment from the URL Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_ENTER_UID.wav added to prompt queue
VXI::field_element - activating grammars for form = '$_internalName_295416' formitem = 'DTMFUID'
Newly queued prompts are now being played
We cannot hear STR_ENTER_UID.wav being played. In the three previous calls it we were able to hear the prompt and nothing changed. What could be a possible cause for it this scenario?
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Wave files not playing
Re: Wave files not playing
For us to further troubleshoot this issue, could you send us a copy of the audio file that you are using to test at devsupport@plumgroup.com along with the snippet of code that you are using to reproduce this issue?
Plum Support
For us to further troubleshoot this issue, could you send us a copy of the audio file that you are using to test at devsupport@plumgroup.com along with the snippet of code that you are using to reproduce this issue?
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Wave files not playing
Are you having an issue specifically with the audio file, STR_ENTER_UID.wav? The audio file you had sent was named, STR_VERIFY_PROCEDURE_INTRO.wav.
Also, could you also please provide us with the snippet of VoiceXML code you are using to test this issue?
Plum Support
Are you having an issue specifically with the audio file, STR_ENTER_UID.wav? The audio file you had sent was named, STR_VERIFY_PROCEDURE_INTRO.wav.
Also, could you also please provide us with the snippet of VoiceXML code you are using to test this issue?
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Wave files not playing
No we are having issues with several wave files that all of the sudden stop playing STR_ENTER_UID.wav and STR_VERIFY_PROCEDURE_INTRO.wav being one of them. I can also send you str_enter_uid
Re: Wave files not playing
Hi Tobias,
Thanks for those audio files.
The audio files appear to be fine and we've tested them using the following example code below with no issues:
If you're continuing to experience issues with hearing these audio files, please contact our support team at support@plumgroup.com as this forum is mainly for coding/development questions. In your e-mail to support, please remember to include your 8-digit customer ID in the subject line of your e-mail. You can find your 8-digit customer ID in your support contact with Plum.
Plum Support
Thanks for those audio files.
The audio files appear to be fine and we've tested them using the following example code below with no issues:
Code: Select all
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
<vxml version="2.0">
<audio src="http://myserver.com/~audio/STR_VERIFY_PROCEDURE_INTRO.wav"/>
<audio src="http://myserver.com/~audio/STR_ENTER_UID.wav"/>
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Wave files not playing
Here is the vxml code we are using
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<vxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml" version="2.0"> <meta content="0" http-equiv="Expires"/> <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control"/> <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"/> <property value="true" name="bargein"/> <property value="180s" name="fetchtimeout"/> <property value="/VTDE/silence.wav" name="fetchaudio"/> -<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup connection.disconnect.hangup"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'HANG_CALL_HANGUP'"/> <var name="eventError" expr="_event"/> <submit namelist="nextDialogID callID eventExit eventError" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </catch> -<catch event="error"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'SERR_VXML_ERROR'"/> <var name="eventError" expr="_event"/> <submit namelist="nextDialogID callID eventExit eventError" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </catch> -<form> -<field name="DTMFUID" type="digits"> <property value="10s" name="interdigittimeout"/> <property value="0ms" name="termtimeout"/> -<prompt bargein="true"> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_ENTER_UID.wav"/> </prompt> <property value="dtmf" name="inputmodes"/> -<nomatch count="3"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'INPT_DTMF_INVALID_NAME'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <submit namelist="eventExit nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </nomatch> -<nomatch> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_DTMF_INVALID_INPUT.wav"/> <reprompt/> </nomatch> -<noinput count="3"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'INPT_DTMF_SILENCE'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <submit namelist="eventExit nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </noinput> -<noinput> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_DTMF_SILENCE.wav"/> <reprompt/> </noinput> -<filled> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDC_CHECK_UID'"/> <submit namelist="DTMFUID nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </filled> </field> </form> </vxml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<vxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml" version="2.0"> <meta content="0" http-equiv="Expires"/> <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control"/> <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"/> <property value="true" name="bargein"/> <property value="180s" name="fetchtimeout"/> <property value="/VTDE/silence.wav" name="fetchaudio"/> -<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup connection.disconnect.hangup"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'HANG_CALL_HANGUP'"/> <var name="eventError" expr="_event"/> <submit namelist="nextDialogID callID eventExit eventError" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </catch> -<catch event="error"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'SERR_VXML_ERROR'"/> <var name="eventError" expr="_event"/> <submit namelist="nextDialogID callID eventExit eventError" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </catch> -<form> -<field name="DTMFUID" type="digits"> <property value="10s" name="interdigittimeout"/> <property value="0ms" name="termtimeout"/> -<prompt bargein="true"> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_ENTER_UID.wav"/> </prompt> <property value="dtmf" name="inputmodes"/> -<nomatch count="3"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'INPT_DTMF_INVALID_NAME'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <submit namelist="eventExit nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </nomatch> -<nomatch> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_DTMF_INVALID_INPUT.wav"/> <reprompt/> </nomatch> -<noinput count="3"> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDP_STOP'"/> <var name="eventExit" expr="'INPT_DTMF_SILENCE'"/> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <submit namelist="eventExit nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </noinput> -<noinput> <audio src="Tenants/tenant/Audio/pt-BR/STR_DTMF_SILENCE.wav"/> <reprompt/> </noinput> -<filled> <var name="callID" expr="'00000430'"/> <var name="nextDialogID" expr="'VTDC_CHECK_UID'"/> <submit namelist="DTMFUID nextDialogID callID" method="post" next="/VTDE/call.aspx"/> </filled> </field> </form> </vxml>