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Differentiating for a table post

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Differentiating for a table post

Post by wrothman@dealermagic.net »

In an inbound call app, where we post a number of identical call campaigns, each of which requires a person to validate with two separate digital entries. So, any person with both codes can create a message which is later used as part of an outbound campaign. My issue is that, although I ask for the 1st row of matching variables to be used, the results will go to all or any of the matching rows. How do I get the results to go to only one of the rows?

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by support »

Hi Wayne,

Could you please clarify what you mean by where the results will go to?

Are you using the "Update Row" module, using post-call processing, or using the outbound campaign result column?

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by wrothman@dealermagic.net »

I may be mixing things up. I am using the update row and will be pushing the data back to our servers. From there, we manipulate some data and create an outbound campaign. At the moment I am trying to assure myself that if we post 50 call campaigns to table we use for inbound calls, that each of the 50 inbound calls will only write to one row. Does that help explain the issue?

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by support »

Hi Wayne,

To avoid the possibility of multiple matches in your table, you should structure your table in such a way that each entry has a corresponding random generated number (thus always allowing for only one row to update).

The SynApps Team

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by wrothman@dealermagic.net »

Thanks. Will do.

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by wrothman@dealermagic.net »

Thought I understood how to do this. We generate a unique serial number to accompany the campaign number and pin. When an inbound call is received, I select the 1st row. How would I select that unique row? The caller would not know that key. Any suggestions? Down to some of my final issues before field testing on your new app.

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Re: Differentiating for a table post

Post by support »


About your post, would it be possible for the caller to know some unique combination of information that would only select one row (i.e. customer ID and PIN).

Also, could you further specify what you're trying to do with your application for the caller?

And just as a reminder, our forum has moved to http://quickfuseapps.com/forum/, so please post any future topics there.

The QuickFuse Team
