I was directed here to ask this question by my Account Executive.
Does the Plum Platform have a concept of a maintenance process or maintenance message?
We have a planned outage coming up and would like to put our IVR in a maintenance mode as transactions will not be successful during this outage.
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Maintenance Message
Re: Maintenance Message
Hi kplantus,
Yes we do- one of the most common ways our customers go about this is by setting up a temporary scratchpad with a custom message of their choice. Because it is temporary, most customers are OK with the fact that the message will be read in text to speech (TTS), the computer generated voice.
If you would like to do something like that, you can follow these steps:
1. Log on to your hosting DEV account (http://hosting.plumgroup.com/login.php)
2. Click on Applications up top, and select Scratchpads.
3. Click "Create a New Scratchpad". In the "Name" text box, you can title it "Maintenance Message". In the main body text box, you would need to write a basic prompt reading code snippet. You can use our basic example and simply replace it with wording of your choice. When done, click Save.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
This is a demo test application. You can make it a maintenance message or a welcome message. This should generate a call log too so you can make reports.
4. Your newly saved scratchpad should now appear under the Scratchpad page.
5. When you are ready to put this new scratchpad in place, go to Applications > Application Configuration and located the IVR(s) you wish to edit. Click on the Edit button next to the number. Copy the URL under Remote URL and paste it under notes (this will make it easier to switch back later). Click on the drop down menu next to Application Source and select Scratchpad. Click on the drop down menu below that and select the maintenance message you just created. Click Save. To test if this works, call the number you just changed. You should hear the maintenance message now.
When you want to enable the IVR again simply go back to the numbers you edited, click Edit. And select "Remote URL" from Application Source. Cut the URL you saved under Notes and paste it into Remote URL. Click Save. Call the number to make sure it plays the IVR now.
Plum Support
Yes we do- one of the most common ways our customers go about this is by setting up a temporary scratchpad with a custom message of their choice. Because it is temporary, most customers are OK with the fact that the message will be read in text to speech (TTS), the computer generated voice.
If you would like to do something like that, you can follow these steps:
1. Log on to your hosting DEV account (http://hosting.plumgroup.com/login.php)
2. Click on Applications up top, and select Scratchpads.
3. Click "Create a New Scratchpad". In the "Name" text box, you can title it "Maintenance Message". In the main body text box, you would need to write a basic prompt reading code snippet. You can use our basic example and simply replace it with wording of your choice. When done, click Save.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
This is a demo test application. You can make it a maintenance message or a welcome message. This should generate a call log too so you can make reports.
4. Your newly saved scratchpad should now appear under the Scratchpad page.
5. When you are ready to put this new scratchpad in place, go to Applications > Application Configuration and located the IVR(s) you wish to edit. Click on the Edit button next to the number. Copy the URL under Remote URL and paste it under notes (this will make it easier to switch back later). Click on the drop down menu next to Application Source and select Scratchpad. Click on the drop down menu below that and select the maintenance message you just created. Click Save. To test if this works, call the number you just changed. You should hear the maintenance message now.
When you want to enable the IVR again simply go back to the numbers you edited, click Edit. And select "Remote URL" from Application Source. Cut the URL you saved under Notes and paste it into Remote URL. Click Save. Call the number to make sure it plays the IVR now.
Plum Support
Plum Support
Re: Maintenance Message
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
I tested this and it worked perfectly.
Again, thanks!
I tested this and it worked perfectly.
Again, thanks!
Re: Maintenance Message
Posts: 3609
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2003 3:47 pm
Location: Boston, MA
I have read your post, and I am stuck for this window, means, i have created PLUM dev account and login it, but as per you mention on your post, these option not show on my account.
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2003 3:47 pm
Location: Boston, MA
I have read your post, and I am stuck for this window, means, i have created PLUM dev account and login it, but as per you mention on your post, these option not show on my account.
Re: Maintenance Message
Hi ajain,
What is your email associated with your account? We were unable to locate you.
Thank you
Plum Support
What is your email associated with your account? We were unable to locate you.
Thank you
Plum Support
Plum Support