This was an error in our call log, detailing a failure to fetch a file called “director.vxml” from your servers. We do not have a director.vxml file on our side, is that part of your internal configuration. This was an outbound call attempt.
error 2524500778 3 [03/Oct/2018:17:25:06 -0400] 8337296704 400052;003;1538601883 DocumentParser::FetchBuffer - could not open URL: config/director.vxml
error 2524500778 3 [03/Oct/2018:17:25:06 -0400] 8337296704 400052;003;1538601883 DocumentParser::FetchDocument - exiting with error result 2
error 2524500778 3 [03/Oct/2018:17:25:06 -0400] 8337296704 400052;003;1538601883 errno: 203 uri config/director.vxml
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director.vxml file error
Re: director.vxml file error
The errors you are reporting are an internal Plum error. They are triggered when there is an internal call routing issue on our end. When the system is unable to access the configuration for a specific phone number it reports this error. We recommend that you report any issues like this via and they will be able to pass this up to our operations team for investigation.
Plum Support
The errors you are reporting are an internal Plum error. They are triggered when there is an internal call routing issue on our end. When the system is unable to access the configuration for a specific phone number it reports this error. We recommend that you report any issues like this via and they will be able to pass this up to our operations team for investigation.
Plum Support
Plum Support