I want to have a generic catch method capture all events:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<throw event="blah" message="hello, world!"/>
I'm sorry. We caught an error.
// do transfer
I then want to do a transfer to a number we have, then re-raise the error so it appears in the logs. Can I do this?
Is there a list of all events that can be raised? If I have to do this manually to re-raise I probably need a full list.
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catch and rethrow errors
Re: catch and rethrow errors
Hi Graham,
Errors are logged automatically in the call logs whenever a <catch> element is triggered. In the code below, <submit> will trigger the <catch> element as the file process_id.php does not exist. The error (error.badfetch) will be logged before user is transferred.
Furthermore, the <catch> element can be used for all generic events without having to specify a distinct type of events. As shown in the code below, <catch> element will be called to receive the <throw event="blah">. At the same time, it will also be called after any errors, including badfetch, no-input or no-match errors after id_num input.
Plum Support
Errors are logged automatically in the call logs whenever a <catch> element is triggered. In the code below, <submit> will trigger the <catch> element as the file process_id.php does not exist. The error (error.badfetch) will be logged before user is transferred.
Furthermore, the <catch> element can be used for all generic events without having to specify a distinct type of events. As shown in the code below, <catch> element will be called to receive the <throw event="blah">. At the same time, it will also be called after any errors, including badfetch, no-input or no-match errors after id_num input.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<throw event="blah" message="Hello, world"/>
<field name="id_num" type="digits?length=5">
Please enter your id number.
Thank you.
<submit next="process_id.php" namelist="id_num"/>
<value expr="_message"/>
<goto next="#transfer"/>
<form id="transfer">
<transfer dest="16177123000">
Plum Support
Plum Support