We have JSP based web application and am looking for an example to record and save .wav file for a session.
in the following link example is in php script: "https://www.plumvoice.com/docs/dev/deve ... taexchange"
will be good help if can provide similar example in jsp.
thank you
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JSP exmaple for record and saving .wav file
Re: JSP exmaple for record and saving .wav file
Hi dsingh09,
What you are trying to do is possible, you can record and save a .wav file using JSP.
Within this forum we do try and focus on VXML and PHP though, so we do not have any sample JSP code to provide.
If you have any further questions related to VXML or PHP within your application please feel free to reach out.
Plum Support
What you are trying to do is possible, you can record and save a .wav file using JSP.
Within this forum we do try and focus on VXML and PHP though, so we do not have any sample JSP code to provide.
If you have any further questions related to VXML or PHP within your application please feel free to reach out.
Plum Support
Plum Support