I'm implementing the recordcall funcionality as outlined in the documentation...
https://www.plumvoice.com/docs/dev/voic ... recordcall
I'm able to successfully record the call and post the resultant audio file to my server. When listening to the recorded call I can hear the voice prompts and user voice input. However the tones from dtmf input are not audible in the recording.
Is this expected behavior that dtmf tones are not audible in the recording? I cannot find any documentation or support posts that indicate the expected behavior.
Also, are there any performance impacts to leveraging the recordcall property?
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recordcall - dtmf tones not audible in call recording
recordcall - dtmf tones not audible in call recording
Last edited by cbjugstad on Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: recordcall - dtmf tones not audible in call recording
That is correct, there’s no way to have the DTMF injected into the recording except for purposely misconfiguring DTMF support.
Re: recordcall - dtmf tones not audible in call recording
To Piggy back off of tocnaza's reply, DTMF is used in-order to ensure sensitive data is being protected. DTMF tones cannot be interpreted by the human ear however they can be easily decoded by a phone system.
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