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Plum Survey 1.5 release now in production

The latest news about the Plum Voice Platform

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Plum Survey 1.5 release now in production

Post by support »

Hi everyone,

The 1.5 release of Plum Survey is now in production. Some of the new features of this release are:

1) Advanced options can now be enabled for the comments question type. This allows you to:

* set the maximum number of seconds that a caller's recording can last for a response
* disable the caller's recording being repeated back for confirmation

2) You can now disable the storing of a respondent's identifying information such as their IP address or ANI when they complete surveys.

3) When you set the option of saving data on a premature hangup by a respondent, any webservices on the last page visited by the respondent will execute immediately. This now allows you to at least collect partial answers from this page via webservice.

4) Webservice and subdialog question types now have "Advanced skip logic", which applies only to phone surveys. This allows you to set up skip logic that will direct the user to a particular question on a survey page.

5) Our SOAP client will now by default send along a cookie called either ani or ip with the ANI or IP address of the current respondent, respectively. You are free to override this cookie by sending back HTTP Set-Cookie: headers that overwrite or delete it.

If you have any questions regarding these new features, please feel free to post them to our Plum Survey Q&A forum.

Plum Support
