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Does the Plum Voice Platform support caller ID?

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Does the Plum Voice Platform support caller ID?

Post by support »

The Plum Voice Platform supports both caller ID (ANI) and dialed number information (DNIS or DID). However, in order to take advantage of this support, your telephony provider must provide these features as part of their service. Support also varies by telephony interface protocol:

- Analog (POTS) lines generally support caller ID (ANI) if the service is specified by the customer.
- ISDN PRI T1 lines generally support both ANI and DID.
- channelized T1 lines may support ANI and/or DID. Support varies by telephony provider and by signaling protocol. These features are more often offered with E&M wink start signaling.

Plum voice hosting supports both ANI and DID service.
